Courtney's Fitness Studio

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Can You Get Results with 30 Minute Workouts? Absolutely!

Do you spend hours at the gym and are still not seeing any progress?

It is probably because you are working out for TOO long.  I know it sounds crazy, but those who work out in shorter bursts of time actually see better results (and they can get back to all the other things they’ve got going on in their lives!)

I’ll be honest - I was one of those people who could spend HOURS every day at the gym! And I love the gym for its atmosphere, but as I became a mom, wife, and working gal, I simply did not have hours day after day to do what I had been trained was a standard of “healthy + fit.”

And then I learned about high intensity interval training (HIIT) training.

What is a HIIT workout?

According to Healthline, HIIT is “short bursts of intense exercise alternated with low-intensity recovery periods.” Basically it’s the idea that you go all-out, one hundred percent for a short amount of time (like during a set) to get your heart rate up, and then you follow with short recovery periods (sometimes this can involve weight lifting moves) while your heart rate slows down.

You can do this type of workout at the gym, however you’ve gotta know how to incorporate the right things to get your heart rate moving up and down (and how to add moves that will build muscle and aren’t all cardio!). What I love about my Fit Strong Mama bootcamp programs is that they follow this model, all routines are designed by me to follow HIIT + build muscle, and people are getting results (even myself!).

So how long is a HIIT workout?

15-30 minutes MAX… which is why I design each Fit Strong Mama workout to be 26-30 minutes each.  Perfect match!

How many days a week should I do HIIT workouts?

3-5 days per week… again why Fit Strong Mama has designed a program that you can do right from home 3-5 days a week!

What’s even better about HIIT workouts, is that they can really get the scale moving for you! Here’s some great benefits that people see when they participate in HIIT workout programs (found here):

  1. Your Metabolic Rate Is Higher for Hours After Exercise

  2. HIIT Can Burn a Lot of Calories in a Short Amount of Time

  3. It Can Reduce Heart Rate and Blood Pressure 

  4. It Can Help You Lose Fat

  5. You Might Gain Muscle Using HIIT

Want to try a HIIT workout and see what Fit Strong Mama is all about? Check out this video below and try FSM FREE for a week here!